After interviewing hundreds of teenage girls on their level of menstrual education, most said they only received one hour of sexual education during grade 10 or 11. They recall the one hour learning to consist of different methods of birth control and common STD's.
We are failing the next generation because menstrual education has to be taught at an earlier age. By the time teenagers reach 15 or 16 years of age, majority will likely have their periods already. It is our responsibility to teach and transfer the knowledge we now have to ensure conversations around periods are normalized and no longer taboo.
We believe periods are one of the biggest barriers for girls to participate in sport. Given periods can take up to six years to regulate or become consistent, many girls fear their periods will appear when they least expect it and they may potentially suffer a leak. Being able to feel comfortable to speak to their teacher or coach relieves some of the shame and burden but unfortunately most educators and/or coaches do not feel comfortable themselves.
For these reasons, we have created a course specifically for educators and coaches to provide the fundamental tools and understanding of periods and the menstrual cycle. Together, we can change the perspective of periods to ensure menstruators feel supported.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we are unable to offer in-person workshops at this time. We are offering online delivery of Live Zoom workshops for your school educators and coaches.