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Embracing Vulnerability

Embracing Vulnerability

September 01, 2020

"I like to stay behind the scenes or I don't like the spotlight" were things I would always say, so often to the point where I think I actually believed it.  But the more I dig, and the more I learn about myself through this entrepreneurial journey, I now realize that I have clung to those sayings in order to not step into my own light.  I have muffled my voice for as long as I can remember and now it's time to truly embrace vulnerability.

Perhaps the most notable work on vulnerability is by Brene Brown and her book Daring Greatly.  She describes vulnerability as "uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure."  Here I am fighting to create awareness around "PERIODS" a hush hush taboo topic meanwhile every chance I'd get I would rather stay behind the camera rather than step in front and put myself out there.  I mean, how can I ask others to share their stories if I'm so afraid to share my own?  So with this self-realization, I am vocalizing my intentions and challenging myself and a friend by documenting ourselves through weekly videos to share in our entrepreneurial experiences by embracing vulnerability.

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